Saturday, March 27, 2010

Update on Koolade

Koolade has done very well putting on weight - up to 64 pounds as of yesterday and just a few more to go to be where she needs to be. I think she will miss 3 good-sized meals daily once she gets to a normal weight - her appetite is fantastic!

Her teeth were in pretty rough shape and she had 11 (!) of them extracted about 2 weeks ago. She bounced back from that amazingly well - I just soften up her food and she's good to go. She also had a growth removed from her leg, and that place is healing nicely, with the stitches taken out yesterday.

Koolade made her M&G debut at 100 Oaks today and did very well. She showed no interest whatsoever in any small dogs that went by and was very happy to receive lots of attention.

Now that she's over her medical issues, I'm sure she'll find a forever home very soon. Please take a look at Koolade. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Meet Koolade

Koolade has been with us almost a week and has been an ideal foster. She learned the household routine by following Christina & Ragtime. She has the most adorable ears - one is usually up and the other flopped forward.

She is still learning some rules, like our bed being off limits. She has plenty of energy for a 9-year-old and loves to play with Ragtime, who's 3. She can be vocal when she wants attention and is quite the leaner! She has an excellent appetite and should put on weight quickly.

Koolade will make a wonderful addition to someone's home!